How to Start Planning for Next Year’s Sales Convention – Ep. 005

Today’s goal: start planning and budgeting to attend your annual sales convention next year

In episode 5 of Beauty Boss Goals, we discuss some tips to get you planning for your direct sales company’s sales convention. 

I am a fan of attending your company’s annual sales convention, but only if you are planning to use the knowledge and experience from the conference as an investment in growing your business. Yes, it is an investment, meaning this will not be a cheap weekend getaway. But if you start planning early, it can be an accessible business builder.

Top 4 Tips to Get Started Planning for Your Sales Conference

  1. Set up your budget early. Make the entire process less stressful by planning out your convention budget- the earlier the better. If you have six months before your company’s conference, use your budget breakdown to help plan your monthly sales goals.
  2. Connect with a roommate and make her your accountability partner. Your roommate has a vested interest in seeing you succeed in order to attend convention together, so let your roommate motivate you. And you should do the same for her! 
  3. Ask an experienced convention attendee for pointers. If this is your first time attending a sales convention with your company, take a few minutes to reach out to someone who attended in a previous year. They will be happy to share some tips and pointers for attending. 
  4. Let your network and your team know you’re going. By letting others know you are attending, you are adding to your accountability. 

I hope that was helpful! Let me know how you are preparing to attend your company’s sales convention!

And don’t forget to download your own budget worksheet to start planning your money for this business investment.